
SAKURA Cup has received the Gold award of A’ Design 2023 in Italy

この度、毎年イタリアで開催される国際的なデザインコンペティションA’ Design Award & Competition(エーダッシュデザインアワード&コンペティション)にてsunsetclimax「 SAKURA Cup 」が、GOLD Award を受賞した事をご報告いたします。




これからも「 記憶 」に残るアイテムを生み出し、皆様の生活の楽しみのひとつとなれるよう、日々進んでまいります。


SAKURA Cupの再販を待たれている皆様、大変申し訳ございません。現在、材料乾燥中のため、もう少しお時間を頂いてしまいます。ご理解のほどよろしくお願い致します。


We are glad to inform you that sunsetclimax “SAKURA Cup” has received Gold Award of A’ Design Award & Competition 2023 which is held every year in Italy. We are extremely honored to receive the international award and we would like to express our gratitude to all concerned. We will keep developing a item which is to be “classic” in future and makes your life happier.


We are sorry to keep you waiting for SAKURA Cup. Since SAKURA material is under drying process now. Unfortunately, it will take more time to be back in stock. Your kind understanding will be appreciated.


【A’ Design Award and Competition】

A’ Design Award and Competition は、世界で最も大きく、最も権威があり、影響力のあるデザイン賞の 1 つであり、デザインにおける最高の成果の 1 つとなります。

A’ Design Award and Competition is one of the World’s largest, most prestigious and influential design accolades, one of the highest achievements in design.